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루비 로즈 ; 미국 동성결혼 합헌에 대해 말하다

She was hit with mixed emotions as the US passed a landmark ruling making gay marriage legal across the country on Friday.

And Ruby Rose expressed her bittersweet feelings as she arrived at Los Angeles International Airport the same day.

The 29-year-old actress flashed a sweet smile as well as a sombre face while casually strolling towards her departing flight.

She coordinated with a trucker hat and black and white high-top sneakers while accessorising with a long silver necklace.

The Orange Is The New Black star spruced up her look with a patterned backpack and appeared to be carrying a passport in her hand.

The same day, Ruby, who is engaged to fiancee Phoebe Dahl, said she was 'overjoyed' at the groundbreaking legal news but has urged her native Australia to follow suit.

'I am so over joyed this is history in the making and I can't help but smile with tears in my eyes. 

Please Australia be next,' she wrote to her 3.2 million Instagram followers on Friday.

" 미국 대법원이, 동성결혼 불법에 대한 위헌! 판결을 내린 날, 루비는 아래와 같이 말했다."

" 새로운 역사가 만들어 지고 있다는 것에 대해서 너무 기쁘다. 눈시울이 붉어질 정도로 웃는 것을 막을 수가 없을 정도이다:

'I may live in America but I want the whole world to allow people their freedom to let love conquer hate.' 

Celebration erupted across the US on Friday when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that gay marriage is the law of the land.

The landmark ruling says that the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees gays and lesbians must have the same right to marry as heterosexuals.

"비록 지금 내가 미국에서 살고 있지만,  전 세계가 사랑이 증오를 이길 수 있다는 자유를 모두에게 줄 수 있었으면 좋겠다"

The justices also ruled, advancing an issue that has bitterly divided the nation, that states without gay-marriage laws on the books must recognize gay marriages performed in other states.

Ruby grew up Down Under but is now based in Los Angeles where she lives with her British fashion designer fiancee, who she has been in engaged to since March 2014. 

She came out as gay at the age of 12, and has spoken openly about how she was severely bullied over sexuality at school. 

Bullies smashed metal chairs into the back of her head, resulting in her being hospitalised when she was 16, she says.

'They didn’t like the fact I was different. I don’t think they had hatred for me, per se; I think it was more that I stuck out like a sore thumb,' she told the Edit in a recent interview. 

After being a well-known personality in Australia for many years, Ruby recently reached global fame after debuting as inmate Stella Carlin on Orange Is The New Black.  

아직까지 웹상에서만 떠들석 해서 그런지, 파파라치들한테 엄청 상냥하게 대해주는 루비로즈


하나하나 대답 다 해주고 감사하다고 손모으고 끝까지 돌아서 대답해주는 거 존멋

 저스틴 비버랑 주말 보내는 거 봤엉

 저스틴 비버한테 진짜 좋은 냄새남 

 저스틴 비버 근육 완전 부러움 ㅋㅋ

 내가 이성애자면, 저스틴비버 한테 

                                빠질듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ