QT: You’ve been working for months on a clothing line [Milk & Honey] that’s just come out — can you tell us about the style and what inspired your designs? RR: It’s very edgy rock kind of clothes, heavily distressed and embellished denim, oversized "boyfriend tees" (oh the irony), singlets and some digital print pieces that I am really digging at the moment. I am inspired by old movies, music, art and people … lots of animal influences as well.
QT: Will your line be available in the States? RR: Maybe one day, at the moment it’s just in Australia, so I guess you all just have to come visit!
QT: What’s something people would be surprised to find out about you? RR: That on a Saturday night I’m more likely to be drinking wine with friends, playing Twister, Jenga or Pictionary than out at a nightclub, unless I’m DJing of course.
토요일 밤에는 주로 집에서 친구들과 와인먹고, 트위ㅅ터 하고 젱가 하는 편이다. 디제잉 하러 나이트 클럽 가는 거 빼고는
QT: What gave you the courage to come out at a young age? RR: I am not really sure. Looking back at high school I was pretty ballsy, considering I wasn’t exactly a popular girl. I was much more comfortable around boys than girls and because of this I was often accused of trying to "steal" peoples boy friends and that used to get to me a lot, I guess I became tired of keeping it in and I figured at least if I were just honest with myself and them, they would leave me alone. Which obviously didn’t happen, I just made myself the biggest target in school. Oh well … someone had to be and I turned out fine. [Laughs] I remember knowing I liked women from even my earliest memories, and I guess as I trusted friends I slowly told more and more people and it spread like wildfire which is pretty standard for high school. Some were supportive, others not so much and pretty much every girl assumed I had a crush on them but this was some what less offensive as being a "boyfriend stealer."
어린나이에, 커밍아웃 할 수 있는 용기를 준 건 무엇인가?
확신할 수는 없지만, 고등학교 때 생각해보면 되게 용기있었던 것 같다. 인기있는 여자애가 아니었던 건 분명하다. 여자애들보다 남자애들 주변에 있는 게 편했다. 이거 때문에 종종 그들의 남자친구를 채간다고 오해받기도 했다. 내 생각엔 계속 가만히 있는 것에 매우 지쳤었다. 그리고 적어도 내 자신이랑 그 들에게만이라도 정직하면 그냥 혼자라도 두지 않을 까 생각했다. 분명히 그렇게 되지 않았지만, 스스로를 학교에서 제일 큰 타겟이 되게 만들었다. 그래도 누군가는 했어야 했고 지금 난 잘되지 않았나 , 엄청 어렸을 때부터 난 여성들에게 끌린다는 걸 알았고 친구들을 믿는 만큼 그들에게 말을 했고, 불 번지듯이 그 이야기는 온 학교에 퍼져나갔다. 옆에서 지지하는 사람도 있었고 다른 사람들도 있었고 많은 여자애들은 내가 자기들을 좋아한다고 생각했다. 그래도 뭐 이건 '남자친구 도둑'보다는 덜 모욕적이었다. QT: So, you didn’t have other gay friends back in high school? RR No, I was pretty much the only one. I had a few straight friends who entertained the thought of kissing a girl. Which as we all know, only leads to heartbreak, [laughs] so I learned that lesson very early on. I did feel that I needed to connect with people who knew what it was like to be gay, so eventually I went to an underage gay club and started to make some friends.
전혀, 학교에서 게이는 나 혼자였을 것다. 여자애들한테 입맞춤 하기 좋아하는 스트레잇 친구들이 몇명있었지만 우리가 모두 알듯이, 결국 상처만 되었다. 바로, 난 게이가 되는 것이 어떤지 알고 있는 사람들과 연결되어야 한다고 깨닫게 되었고 친구들을 사귀기 위해서 미성년자 게이 클럽에 가게 되었다.
QT: The story of your constant abuse at the hands of anti-gay bullies in school is horrifying. Just as horrifying, it happens all over the world. It’s happening right now. If you could say anything to these bullies, what would it be?
늘 이야기 하는 안티 게이 괴롭힘이야기는 정말 무섭다. 무서운 만큼이나, 지금도 전세계에서 일어나고 있다. 만약 당신이 이 괴롭히는 사람들에게 말할 수 있다면 뭐가 될수 있나? RR: I’d warn them that if they spend all their time working on bringing people down instead of furthering themselves then they risk ending up like the girls who bullied me, becoming nothing and having to watch that person whose life you tried to ruin for years, become happy, successful and most importantly, dignified. I got to where I am because I always say thank you. It’s the small things that count. Being bullied made me stronger and I am always thankful of what I have.
만약 그들이 남은 인생을 그렇게 보낸다면, 나를 괴롭혔던 여자애들 처럼 될거라고 말해주고 싶다. 아무것도 되지 않고, 그냥 당신이 괴롭혔던 그 사람들이 행복해지고 성공적이 되고 무엇보다 중요한 것은 유명해 지는 것을 그저 바라보고만 있는 사람이 될 것이다. 내가 이자리에 있는 건 늘 감사하는 마음을 가지기 때문이다. 사소한 것이라도 괜찮다. 괴롭힘을 당햇기 때문에 난 더 강해졌고, 그리고 내가 가지고 있는 것에 항상 감사하다.
You see, whether you believe in god, karma, or the universe, at the end of the day your actions have consequences and only you can choose your path. Bullying in school won’t get you anywhere in the real world, so you had better shape up otherwise you will quickly discover you spent all your growing years trying to hurt other people because of your insecurities, and you will leave school and have absolutely no idea who you are and more often than not the victim of your actions will have a great sense of self, strength and resilience.
신을 믿든, 카르마(윤회)나 세계를 믿든 믿지 않든 결국엔 당신이 취한 행동들은 결과로 이어지고, 오직 너 만이 너의 길을 만들어 갈 수 있다. 학교에서 누굴 괴롭히는 건 그 어떤 세계에도 널 데려다주지 못한다. 그러니 행동을 바로해야 한다. 자라나는 동안 다른 사람들을 상처주려고 하는 건 결국 불안감 때문이다. 그리고 학교를 떠날 땐 당신이 누군지도 모를 것이다. 반면에 그 피해자들은 자신에 대해서 더 잘 알게되고 힘을 가지게 될 것이다.
QT: We liked what you had to say about Katy Perry — perhaps using gay themes only to make money. Was there a response from Katy, and what were other peoples’ reactions?
우리는 당신이 케이티 페리에 대해 말했던 걸 좋아한다. 게이라는 주제를 가지고 돈을 번다. 이건 케이티 페리에 대한 건가? 다른 사람들의 반응은 어떠했나? RR: [Laughs] Actually, Katy taught me a valuable lesson: never be to quick to judge so. I am very open-minded and easygoing and it takes a lot for someone to rub me the wrong way. However, when “I Kissed a Girl” came out, every single radio interview or TV interview would play it before and after my appearance. I was constantly asked about it, and people would turn in up in there cars if I was out and DJs would play it if I was at a club. I was like “Man, I swear to god if I ever meet this girl.”
사실, 케이티 페리는 나에게 매우 중요한 교훈을 가르쳐주었다. '뭐든지 성급하게 판단하지 마라' 난 매우 열려있 It obviously annoyed me from a GLBT point of view. It really sent a message out that trivialized being gay, however at the end of the day she has backed it up with hit after hit, has a great voice, and she sings about “melting popsicles” on her latest album — she is actually just a very cheeky, witty, hilarious woman. I did ask about it being released first but she actually didn’t want it to be released first — that’s the decision of the record company. To be honest, she is one of the most charismatic, hilarious yet hardest-working people I have ever met and I respect her a lot. We have become friends and I think she’s great, but don’t play that song to me. [laughs]
What’s your take on the trend of celebrities kissing people of their own gender only in front of the cameras? RR: Well, I don’t know if I have seen that happen very often? I mean, the last time I can recall,Scarlett [Johansson] and Sandra Bullock kissed at the VMAs and I think it was actually incredibly clever and not at all offensive or tacky. I imagine after what she has been through she would have found it quite liberating. It sent a positive message to people who have been in her situation. She is amazing.
I guess it always depends on the context, I remember some small “scandal” about Miley [Cyrus]kissing a girl during a gig. That’s probably a little bit tasteless to me, but maybe that’s just because I didn’t understand why exactly she did it. This whole “sexed up” Miley thing creeps me out anyway. People grow up too quickly. Urgh … now I have said that I will probably meet her next week and she will be amazing and I’ll feel really mean! Didn’t I learn anything? Rihanna in the “Te Amo” video clip on the other hand … surely we all enjoyed that?
QT: For sure…so, you’ve got something of a "reputation" with the ladies. Would you say that you are judged too harshly? RR: [laughs] What reputation? Is it bad? Well … I don’t really know because I don’t read my press. Beth Ditto gave me that advice once and I listened. The last time I read too much into it I was depressed for two weeks. It’s just words on paper. It ends up being packaging for fish and chips anyway.
QT: When do you plan to conquer the states? The US could really use an outspoken, “no apologies” kind of lesbian.
RR: Well, I am not really a “no apologies” kind of lesbian, [laughs] that makes me sound like some kind of scary cage fighter. I mean, I am outspoken and opinionated. However I also have learned that to know when to shut up is just as valuable. I go to the States quite often and I will probably do a few DJ gigs over there this year. Besides, if you say the US needs me, then I guess its my duty to come over, right?
Absolutely! Where can people find out more about you? RR: Hmm … not in tabloid magazines or Page Six preferably. I will have a website up soon (www.rubyrose.com.au). I also have twitter@rubyrose1 and hopefully I’ll be DJing later this year. This article originally appeared in Q town. |