
루비로즈 인터뷰

다그닥 2015. 7. 4. 21:35

THE day season three of hit series Orange Is The New Black premiered on Netflix and on Foxtel, Ruby Rose woke up to see her name was a trending topic on Twitter.

Stella Carlin, her character in the US drama/dark comedy series set in a federal women’s prison, had become an instant fan favourite.

“I couldn’t tell you how this happened, to be honest,” Rose laughs down the line from Los Angeles, California. “It all just serendipitously came together as if it was meant to be.”


넷 플릭스의 히트 시리즈 오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙 시즌 3의 프리미어가 넷플릭스와 폭스 텔에 방송된 후, 루비로즈는 그녀의 이름이 트위터에 트렌딩 토픽이 되어 있는 것을 알 수 있었다.

스텔라 칼린, 미국의 블랙 코미디 시리즈의 그녀의 캐릭터 이름은 곧 팬들의 최애 캐릭터가 되었다.


" 어떻게 지금 이렇게 되었는지 말할 수도 없어요. " 루비로즈는 캘리포니아. la에서 전화로 웃으며 말했다.

" 원래 이렇게 되어야 할 것처럼 운명적으로 모든 것이 이뤄지고 있어요"


The 29-year-old Australian TV personality and model has almost exclusively worked in TV hosting roles since getting her break in 2009 as an MTV Australia host, but she has always wanted to get into acting.

Orange Is The New Black seems to have kickstarted her prospects. Not only is she already getting the kind of name recognition and fan attention many others dream of, she is already following up further opportunities in the US and is in talks with the network SyFy about auditioning for an upcoming project.


29살의 tv호스트 이자 모델인 이 호주태생은 2009년 mtv vj로 브레이크 한 후 사회자로 주름잡았지만, 늘 연기를 하고 싶었다고 밝혔다.

오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙은 그녀의 확실한 발돋움판이 될 것이다. 이미 지명도와 꿈 꿔오던 많은 관심을 불러일으켰을 뿐만 아니라 헐리웃에서 더 많은 기회를 갖게 되었기 때문이다.


But while she is putting down roots in the US, she has not forgotten about Australia. She moved around the country with her mother a lot as a child, even living in Tasmania for a while, and our island state still holds a certain fascination for Rose.

“My mum was born in Hobart and my great-aunty still lives there – she is 88 and she is an amazing woman,” she says.

“I lived there for maybe six to 12 months as a baby, so I don’t remember a lot about it from then, but because I have family there and a connection to the place I still visit Tassie a lot.


하지만 그녀는 지금 미국에 있으면서도 그녀의 고향 호주를 잊지 않았다. 어릴 적부터 엄마를 따라 호주 전역을 다닌 루비로즈는 tasmania에서도 살았던 적이 있었다. 그리고 tasmania는 지금 루비로즈에 열광하고 있다.


"엄마는 hobart에서 태어났고 저의 대고모는 지금도 그곳에 살고 있어요. 88세로 아직도 대단한 여성입니다."

"그곳에서 아마 아기였을 때 6~12개월을 살았어요 그래서 그곳에 대해서는 많이 기억하고 있지는 않지만 그래도 가족들이 있기때문에 여전히 유대감을 느끼고 있으며 자주 방문하고 있습니다."



“Whenever I have friends visiting from overseas I always take them to Tassie. Tasmania might not always be the number one spot for people to visit when they come to Australia but I think they certainly miss out if they don’t. You can’t beat the Salamanca Market, for me.”

And as far as debut roles go, it is hard to aim much higher than a recurring role on one of the most popular TV series in world, on arguably the world’s fastest-growing streaming service, Netflix, boasting more than 60 million subscribers worldwide.

Rose says she had not been actively trying to break into the big time, but she had been testing the waters.


"해외에서 친구들이 호주를 방문할 때면 꼭 그곳으로 데려가요. 호주에 오면 사람들이 늘 가는 곳은 아니지만 salamanca market은 정말 대단하거든요"


“I hadn’t really jumped in with both feet for acting, but I’ve spent the best part of the past decade dabbling in a few things,” she says.

“Professional acting is something you really need to be totally dedicated to, not one foot in and one foot out. I’d studied drama when I was 18 and then I got my job with MTV. I still had this dream to get into acting but I’ve been having so much fun with everything else that I never really pursued it.”


"지금까지 정말 '연기'하나만을 위했던 적이 없어요. 여러가지 많은 것을 하면서 정말 좋은 시간들을 가지긴 했엇습니다."

"전문적으로 연기자가 된다는 것은 여기에 완벽하게 헌신해야 되는 거라고 생각합니다. 한쪽발만 걸친 채로는 불가능하죠. 18살 때부터 연극을 공부했고 그리고 mtv에 bj로 자리잡을 수 있었습니다. 지금도 연기에 대해서 큰 꿈을 가지고 있지만, 다른 많은 것들을 통해서도 많은 즐거움을 가질 수 있었어요"


Rose decided spending a year in the US would be her best shot at finding work, so after moving to the States she spent her time aggressively chasing any opportunities she could: DJing, acting in anything she could find, looking for an American-based manager, but she was having very little luck.

After an intensive but mostly fruitless six months in the US, Rose decided to start making her own opportunities, and it was a short, five-minute film called Break Free that proved to be her way in.

Rose wrote, produced and starred in the film, which became a viral hit online. Break Free is an intimate depiction of being genderfluid, not completely identifying as either male or female – something Rose has said she experiences, feeling almost gender-neutral.


루비 로즈는 미국에서 지내기로 마음 먹은 후, 여기서 그녀의 일을 찾고자 했다. 디제이, 연기 등 그녀가 찾을 수 있는 어떤 일이든 했으며 미국에서 매니저를 찾고자 했지만 쉽게 일이 진행되지 않았다. 아무 결실 없는 6개월을 보낸 후, 그녀느 직접 그녀의 기회를 만들기로 했다. 5분의 짧은 필름 break free를 통해서 그녀는 이를 증명해 냈다.


그녀가 직접 쓰고 프로듀스하고 본인이 출현한 필름은 온라인 상에서 화제가 되었다. 이 필름은 유동적 성 정체성에 대한 이야기 였다. 본인의 성 정체성은 남성으로도 여성으로도 구별짓지 않으면서 본인 스스로가 경험했고 느꼇던 것을 담고자 하였다.



“I wasn’t going to get any work just sitting at home so I decided to make my own work,” she says.

“That little film changed my life. It went viral, I got a lot of phone calls from people interested in meeting me, audition offers, management offers, I was incredibly grateful for all that.

“The film was a little autobiographical bit of content that was just intended for Facebook and it became something so much bigger. It affected a lot of people.

“And I think it put me on a few people’s radars. The casting agent for Orange Is The New Black contacted me and asked if I would be interested in auditioning for the role of Stella.

“Of course, I was ecstatic. I said, ‘Are you crazy? Of course I’ll audition for it!’. And I got the role.

“It still all feels like a bit of a dream. We started filming it and I still didn’t have manager until we had finished filming it. I’m only just returning those phone calls now.”


"그냥 집에 앉아있어서는 아무것도 오지 않을 거라고 생각했죠, 그래서 제 스스로 일을 만들었습니다"

"그 짧은 필름은 제 인생을 바꿨어요. 화제가 되었고 많은 사람들이 저에게 연락을 했습니다. 오디션 제의도 받았고 제작회사의 제안을 받았죠, 매우 감사하게 생각할 따름입니다."

"사실 페이스북을 타겟으로 한, 정말 제 자전적인 필름이었는데 일이 커졌죠. 많은 사람들에게 영향을 끼쳤어요"

"그리고 아마 그게 몇몇 사람들의 레이더에 감시 되었던 것 같아요. 오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙의 케스팅 에이전트가 저에게 전화를 해서 스텔라 역에 대해 관심이 있냐고 물었습니다"

"물론, 신났죠 ㅋㅋㅋ ' 장난해여? 당연히 오디션 보러 가야져" 그리고 역할을 따낼 수 있었어요"

"지금도 꿈만 같아요. 드라마 촬영을 시작하고 끝날 때 까지도 전 에이전트가 없었고. 지금은 여러 전화들에 대해서 답변하고 있습니다"






Orange Is The New Black is one of the hottest things on the small screen right now and Rose is as big a fan as any.

“Oh yeah, I’m definitely a fan, I don’t know anyone who isn’t,” she says. “It’s one of those freak shows that seems to be relatable to everybody and on so many levels.

“I discovered it a little after it came out, I had been travelling and was hearing about it from people. I saw the first episode of the first season and two days later I discovered what binge-watching was.

“I watched it all right through. I went to movie marathons as a teenager but I’ve never watched TV like that. It was addictive.”

Rose describes Stella as charismatic, androgynous, witty and smart, saying she was great fun to play.


오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙은 지금 티비로 볼 수 있는 가장 매력적인 티비 쇼 이다. 그녀 역시도 드라마의 팬이다.


"물론, 저도 좋아합니다. 제 주변에 안좋아하는 사람 없던데요?

"드라마는 모든 사람들과 연계되어 있는 쇼 같아요"

"오렌지 이즈 더 뉴 블랙이 조금 뜬 후에 전 알게 되었어요. 여행을 많이 다니면서 드라마에 대해서 사람들에게 듣게 되었고. 첫 시즌의 에피소드를 본 후에 이틀동안 내내 이어서 몰아봤죠"

"영화를 연달아서 보는 건 십대 때 해봤지만 그렇게 티비를 본 건 처음이었어요. 정말 중독적이에요 ㅋㅋㅋ"


루비로즈는 스텔라 역할에 대해서 카리스마있고 매우 중성적이고 재치, 지적이었기 때문에 연기하는 것에 대해 매우 즐거웠다고 밝혔다.



“I have a lot of my own experience to draw on, I suppose,” she says. “We have a lot of similarities. I got to explore parts of myself as well as parts of someone else. But she oozes a lot more sex appeal and coolness and confidence than I do.”

The thrill of being a part of one of her favourite shows is certainly not lost on Rose, who says that even after five months on set, it was not until she was shooting the final episode that it really sank in.


"연기를 하면서 제 스스로 경험도 많이 넣었어요, 많은 공통점이 있죠. 저 본인을 많이 드러내기도 했구요. 하지만 스텔라는 저보다 더  섹스어필, 쿨함, 자신감을 가지고있어요"


“I was still looking around me every day and thinking, ‘Oh my God, that’s Crazy Eyes! Oh my God, it’s Alex!’ All these faces I was so used to watching on the show and I was a bit starstruck by it all.

“It took me a while to realise that now I was part of it as well. The relationships that are part of that imaginary world on set, they are very surreal and beautiful experiences that teach you a lot about yourself and other people.

“But the cast themselves were all just wonderful. I wasn’t the only Aussie on set, either. Yael Stone, who plays Morello, is Australian as well, and most people don’t even realise it because she does that broad accent so convincingly, she’s amazing.

“The wrap party was fantastic. By the end of filming I had come to know all the girls so well, we became really close-knit, like a family. I got to know them for the human beings they are.”

Season three of Orange Is The New Black is streaming on Netflix and showing on the Foxtel channel Showcase.

For more great lifestyle reads, pick up a copy of TasWeekend in today’s Saturday Mercury.